2022年1月5日 03:56 发表于

由于调查,SAM Trade无法出金
参考新加坡警察商业事务部和新加坡金融管理局(统称“当局”)于2022年1月3日发布的有关调查德兴汇外汇有限公司的消息,德兴汇 FX LLP ,德兴汇FX (SG) 私人有限公司和德兴汇FX 暂时停止了所有活动。所以我们不能提款。我有 2 个账户,有$10114和$10079。请帮帮忙
Due investigated, SAM Trade Un
able to Withdraw
Referring to a media release dated 3 January 2022 by the Commercial Affairs Department of the Singapore Police and the Singapore Monetary Authority (collectively the "Authorities") in connection with investigations into Samtrade FX Limited. Samtrade FX LLP and Samtrade FX (SG) PteLtd.
Samtrade FX have stopped all operations for now. so we can't make withdrawals.
I have 2 account dewiyul0682 $10.114 &
dewiyul002 10.079$ . please Help