2021年12月28日 10:04 发表于

Providus Capital UK 并不像他们声称的那样透明。他们操纵价格并冻结仓位只是为了让你无法获利。此外,由于一些技术原因(正如他们声称的那样),你无法他们的系统出金。其他受害者的评论将我带到了traceasset.org,在那里我获得了一些资金和赔偿。令我感到奇怪的是,Providus Capital仍然被允许与大量不满意的受害者一起运营。在你还可以的时候小心处理。
Unable to Withdraw
Providus Capital UK is not as transparent as they claim. They manipulate prices and freeze positions just so you dont make much profit off them. Also, you cannot withdraw from their system due to several technical reasons(as they claim). Reviews from other victims pointed me to traceasset.org where i got some of my capital and accrued returns. Its strange to me that Providus Capital is still allowed to operate with the number of disatisfied victims out there. Deal with caution while you still can.