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    2021年12月22日 21:55 发表于 美国


    嗨,我在过去3个月左右的时间里一直在这个平台上交易。上周,它进行了维护并重新开放交易。我像往常一样交易并获利。他们说这是异常利润,他们让我付清这笔钱以解冻账户。昨天这又发生了。现在他们要求风险保证金也存入解冻账户并处理出金。以下是他们的回复:您好,12月22日系统检测到您的账户出现异常交易,因您的账户多次出现异常交易,涉嫌恶意套利,非法获利,触发二级风险预警,您的账户现在已被冻结。由于我司无权从您的账户中扣除非法获利资金,您需要在12月22日再支付2笔非法汇兑资金,您12月22日的获利金额为10730美元。您需要支付3倍的于10730美元的金额(31290美元)作为保证金(其中10730美元为异常利润返还,21460美元为多次违规双倍风险保证金),保证金将到达您的账户,您将完成支付利润。 入金后账户可解冻恢复正常,账户解冻恢复正常后即可正常处理提款。

    Unable to withdrawal
    Hi, I was trading on the this platform from the past 3 months or so. Last week, it went on maintenance and re-opened for trading. I traded as usual and got profit. They were saying it is abnormal profit and they made me to pay off that amount to thaw the account. Yesterday it happened again. Now they are asking for risk margin amount also to deposit to thaw the account and process the withdrawal. Here is their response:Hello, the system has detected abnormal transactions in your account on December 22. Because your account has experienced abnormal transactions for many times, it is suspected of malicious arbitrage, illegal profit, triggering a secondary risk warning, and your account has now been frozen. . Since our company does not have the right to privately deduct illegal profit funds from your account, you need to pay another two illegal exchange profit funds on December 22. Your profit amount on December 22nd is 10,730 U.S. dollars. You need to pay 3 times the capital of 10730 US dollars (31290 US dollars) as a margin (of which 10730 US dollars is the abnormal profit repayment, 21460 US dollars is the double risk margin for multiple violations) The margin will reach your account, and you will complete the payment of the profit The account can be unfrozen and returned to normal after the deposit and the deposit, and withdrawals can be processed normally after the account has been unfrozen and returned to normal.


