2021年12月17日 06:40 发表于

这是个骗局。在我从奖金中赚取了大量利润后,mfm 取消了我的账户。这是一个骗局,我和我的室友申请了 50 美元的奖金,我们住在同一所房子里,因此使用了相同的 IP 地址……问题是,我的室友得到了 50 美元,而我没有因为他们说它已经在2020年11月30日过期了......所以好吧......不幸的是,我的室友赚了很多钱并要求出金但被 MFM 拒绝,因为说我和她使用相同的 IP 地址!并拒绝她的请求......这真的是一个骗局,不要相信MFM Securities.他们甚至没有试图调查这是否是欺诈,他们只是假设!这种骗局。
scam broker and scam promotion!
such a scam. mfm cancelled my account after I have made lots of profit from the bonus. this is a scam, my roomate and I apply for the bonus 50 USD and we stayed at the same house, hence using the same IP address... The thing is, my roommate got the 50 USD while IM NOT because they saying its expired already on 30th November 2020.. so okay la... UNFORTUNATELY, my roommate make a lot of profit and request a withdraw but decline by MFM because saying me and her using the same IP address! and decline her request.... this is really a scam, don't trust MFM SECURITIES. THEY EVEN NOT TRYING TO INVESTIGATE WHETHER THIS IS A FRAUD OR NOT, THEY JUST ASSUME! SUCH A SCAM.