2021年12月16日 06:41 发表于

East West Bank诈骗
East West Bank是一个在微信上联系受害者的骗子,用情话引诱他们投资MT5。诈骗者提出将钱存入受害者账户以让他们投资,但这笔钱是假的,因为账户报表、图表、图表等都是假的。一旦存款,受害者将永远无法取款。这是一个警告,不要与East West Bank
East West Bank Scam
East West Bank is another scam brother who contacts victims on Wechat and uses romance to lure them into investing on MT5. The scammers offer to put money into a victims account to get them to invest but this money is fake as the account statements, charts, graphs, etc. are all fake. Once a deposit is made, victims can never withdraw. This is a WARNING not to do any business with East West Bank