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    2021年12月1日 16:55 发表于 埃及


    他们直接操纵了我的账户设置,并在开仓时将点差/加价提高了 7 倍甚至更多。我注意到这些变化并发送给 Angelo(X销售经理),他回答说 CEO 在背后支持,因为他害怕我做交易和获利的方式(3 天从1000 美元到175000 美元)。在一次交易中我注意到由于他们对我的账户进行了更改,并且因为 ctrader 系统不报告点差而仅报告头寸详细信息中的佣金,他们在我开设新头寸时扣除了 15000 美元增加的损失。他们告诉我拿走剩下的钱并不再与他们交易,但我在另一个仓位失去了剩余余额。我试图与他们谈判以获取他们从我那里获得的额外点差,但他们拒绝了。域名FONDEX.com 会将转至FONDEX.com.sc。 如果你是全球客户(这意味着FONDEX.com的所有者也是FONDEX.com.schttps://fsaseychelles.sc/regulation-entities/capital-markets - alexandros zisis katsaros 先生作为证券交易商获得认可FONDEXLimited,他是集团首席执行官 - TOPFX LTD 和FONDEX( https://cy.linkedin.com/in/akatsaros )。

    Fondex and CEO manipulated my account and charged more spread/markups
    They simply manipulated my account settings and increased the spread/markup 7 times more and even more when open a position. I noticed these changes and sent to Angelo ( X sales manager ) and he replied that the CEO is behind that because he is scared of the way i trade and make profits ( $1000 to $175000 in 3 days ).And in one trade i noticed that they deduct $15000 added to loss when i opened a new position because of the changes they made to my account and because ctrader system don't report the spread but report only commission in the position details.They told me to take the remaining money and not to trade with them again but even after i lost the remaining balance in another position.I tried to negotiate with them to take the extra spread they take from me but they refused.Domain fondex.com will forward you to fondex.com.sc if you are global customer ( It means Fondex.com owner he is the same owner of fondex.com.schttps://fsaseychelles.sc/regulated-entities/capital-markets - Mr. alexandros zisis katsaros as Securities Dealer accredited with Fondex Limited and he is the Group Chief Executive Officer - TOPFX LTD and Fondex ( https://cy.linkedin.com/in/akatsaros ).


