2021年11月27日 16:33 发表于

非常明显这家公司是骗子。我亏了超过 42000 USDT给他们。他们运行一个被操纵的 MT5,起初看起来很真实。最初,我获得了可观的利润,但最终又输给了系统,为了弥补其中的一部分,我向 traceasset.org 提交了投诉,到目前为止,他们已经处理了这项任务。我看过很多评论都说SUSHI Global investing Limited正在进行一个骗局。我希望他们尽快被打倒
Denied Withdrawal
Its very obvious this company is a fraud. I lost over 42000 USDT to them. They run a manipulated MT5 that seems so authentic at first. Initally, i made considerable profits that i ended up losing back to the system, in bid to recoup some of that, i filed a complaint to traceasset.org and they've been up to the task so far. I've seen many reviews that suggest that Sushi Global investing Limited is running a scam. I hope they are brought down soon