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    2021年11月18日 21:03 发表于 美国


    2021 年 6 月,我在 Instagram 上遇到了这个迷人的男人,他自称 Leo Wang Chu,1986 年出生,居住在加拿大温哥华的华裔。我们在 Instagram 上进行了简短的交谈,很快他就把我加到了他的微信上,很快他就让我创建了一个 WhatsApp 帐户。大多数对话都是在 WhatsApp 上进行的。一周内,他要求我通过 ZH 国际经纪商交易 XAUUSDx 来随他进行投资,该交易商链接发到我新创建的 MT4 账户。每笔交易和活动都是通过 MT4 和他的指令进行的。在短短的两个半月里,我借了钱,还花光了了所有的银行账户、退休账户、商业账户,从朋友和家人那里借来的钱,最后我不得不把房子放在网上或信用卡上偿还我朋友和家人。在短短的两个半月里,我通过当地银行进行了 10 多次电汇交易,投资损失超过 1,000,000.00 美元。每条电汇都发送给拥有不同银行帐户的不同的人,并且仅在一个小时内有效。一旦我赚钱想提现,平台和客服要我交税金、保险金、加急服务费、服务费、维护费,因此额外给了平台60,000.00美元。我没钱了,还欠了一大笔债。交易平台据说在更新中,MT4交易平台上也显示从ZH国际更新为JYJ贸易。

    ZH internation & JYJ trading are the same company
    I met this charming man on Instagram June of 2021, whom he called himself Leo Wang Chu, born on 1986 chinese descent living in Vancouver, Canada. We chatted briefly on Instagram and soon he added me to his Wechat soon he asked me to created a WhatsApp account. Most of the conversations took place on WhatsApp. Within a week he asked me to follow him in investment by trading XAUUSDx through ZH international brokerage that link into my newly created MT4 account. Each trade and transaction happened through MT 4 with his instructions. In the very short two and half months, I took a loan and I also emptied all my bank accounts, my retirement accounts, my business account, borrowed from friends and family and lastly I had to put my house on line or credit to pay back all my friends and family. During the short 2 and half months I had made over 10 wire transactions through my local bank and loss over $1,000,000.00 USD for investment. Each wire was to a different individual with a different bank account and it is only valid for one hour. Once I made money and wants to withdrawal, the platform and customer service wanted me to pay tax, insurance money, expeditated service fee, service fee, maintenance fee, therefore additional $60,000.00 USD was given to the platform. I had no money left and in a tremendous amount of debt. The trading platform was said to be in update and it also shown on MT4 trading platform that it was updated from ZH international to JYJ trading.


