Boris Medina
2021年10月17日 02:48 发表于

我之前投诉过,可以看到已经解决了,但支付收入税才能出金,他们给我发了一封邮件说出金成功,但是一直没到账,审核网站是空白的,我投诉后他们再也不回复我,更换了网站并清空了我的账户信息。他们骗了我 51,000 美元。
unable to withdraw (scam)
I complained before, you can see that as resolved, but it wasn't I was told to put as resolved to be able to withdraw, and to pay the taxes on earnings, I did both and after I made them verify they send me an email saying withdrawal successful, but they never deposited money, even on the website under audit desiring was blank, I complained, and they stopped replying to my messages, now they change the website and deleted all information on my account. and they scammed a total of 51K us dollars,