Talal Baig68948
2021年10月11日 04:49 发表于

从 2018 年 10月22 开始,我申请了4次出金,总金额约为 11000 美元,但无法出金,他们说会给我出金但一直没确认,我等了很久还是没有解决,考虑对他们提起诉讼。
Continuefx.com refusing to withdraw ~11000 USD
I have 4 withdrawals from Continuefx.com starting from 2018 10 22 in amount of ~11.000 USD total which they are refusing to pay back to my bank account.
They keep telling me they will send me the swift confirmation which they never did.
I am awaiting for their response here and considering opening a case in traders court if they don't resolve my case.