Talal Baig68948
2021年9月30日 09:33 发表于

我在不到一个月前开始使用 XM 进行交易,在账户 #49077605 中存入了 200 美元,开设了 50 手微型账户(我创建这个账户是为了规避风险),他们突然在损失 67 美元时故意关闭了我的交易,然后给我发送了电子邮件说帐户被搁置,无法提取余额,并询问我以下问题。请确认并解释在交易时采用的交易策略(即您决定交易和采取的理由)。
XM Refuse to give my deposit balance
I start trading with XM less than month ago i deposit 200$ in micro account #49077605 ,i opened 50 Lot micro ( i create this account for Risk) so they suddenly closed my trade intentionally on loss of 67$ and they send me email your account put in hold ,and they send another email that you cant withdraw your balance deposit and asking me the below. Please confirm and explain the trading strategy that you employed when trading (i.e. the rationale behind your decisions to trade and take.