Talal baig66941
2021年9月27日 12:46 发表于

被 骗了
我被骗了, 他们不允许我从 MT5 账户中出金。他们要我支付 50.000 美元的 10% 来出金。而我只想从 133,061.55 美元的余额中提取 7000 美元,即使入金50,000美元的那个人不是我。我发现他们正和一个女孩合作来欺骗我,女孩的名字是Kelly,她来自香港。话说回来,我终于意识到他们是帮骗子,我只想要回我的押金,这有可能吗?
Scammed by UKG
I’m being scammed by UKG, they dont allow me to withdraw my money from MT5 account. They want me to pay 10% of 50.000$ to withdraw my money.
Whereas I only wanted to withdraw 7000$ from balance of 133,061.55 $
Even though it wasn't me who deposited 50,000 $, I just realized that they were working with a girl to set me up
The girl's name is Kelly from Hong Kong
Long story short we finally realized that they were a gang scammer
I just want my deposit back, is it possible?