MasterTrader Bangla
2021年9月26日 15:41 发表于

当我以代理的身份要求这笔钱时,封了我的钱包不让我出金。在我的身份被验证后,他们要求提供地址证明,我发送了 3 个不同的证明,他们都拒绝了,说他们不能接受请发送另一个。我在实时聊天中询问他们为什么不接受,他们说质量不好后。我完善了一下并再次发送,他们冻结了我的帐户,我账户里有12000美元,他们说不会付钱给我!大骗子,不要在 Deriv 上交易,否则你永远看不到你的钱!我看到他们每天都这样做,请联系监管机构,这样我们就可以制止这种骗局并拿回我们的钱!!!
Binary when I request the money as an IB they blocked my wallet not letting withdraw. After my identity verified they ask proof of address, I send 3 different and they refuse all 3, saying they cant accept please send another. After I ask on live chat why they dont accept they say bad quality, I made perfect photo and send again they block my account with 12000$ and say they will not pay me! VERY BIG SCAMMER, dont trade on Deriv or you will never see your money! I see they do this everyday, please contact regulators so we can stop this scam and have our money back!!!