2021年9月23日 12:18 发表于

上个月我第一次用MT5投资外汇,赚了一点钱。当我想出金时,因为刚好超过过10000美元, 就触发了“高级认证”的功能。 (可能要输入trader.ipcforex.com)说我必须充值4000美元才能完成“高级认证”,之后才能提现,所以我照做了。支付手续费后,通过的金额是3999.20,还少80美分,他们说我需要再付4000。我拒绝了,我的钱还在他们那里。现在我到这里寻求帮助,请帮帮我!这是我去年4 月因新冠疫情失去工作后的全部存款,可他们拒绝出金。我到这里是因为我什至不知道我是否可以信任外面的各种基金回收公司。如果有需要,我还有更多照片。先提前谢谢大家了!
Scammed by a company called IPCForex.co
I invested into Forex for the first time last month using
MT5, made a little bit of money, and when I went to withdraw my money, because
it was just over 10,000USD, it triggered some "advanced
certification" feature. ipcforex.com (might have to type in trader.ipcforex.com)
said that I had to recharge 4000usd to complete the "advanced
certification" in order to be able to withdraw my money, so I did. After
fee's were taken out, the amount that went through was 3999.20 and they failed
me for 80 cents and said that I needed to send them another 4000. I said no,
they still have my money, and now I'm here. Please help! The money they are
refusing to let me withdraw is all I have after losing my job due to covid
situation last April. I am here because I don't even know if I can trust the
various fund recovery companies that are out there. I have many more pics if
needed. Thank you all in advance!