2021年9月21日 03:07 发表于

我认识了一个女孩,她来自泰国,说自己通过 1:100 的黄金交易杠杆赚了很多钱,我认为她在骗我,以我的交易经验来看那是不可能的。
Cbmh company limited likely scam
Hello everyone,
I knew a girl from app called travel and she asked for my whats app and we started chatting and she said she is from Thailand but she is visiting her Aunt in Chicago atm and the chat was normal untill she explained to me how much she is making a week and she is doing it throught trading leverage in Gold 1:100 and she have never lost a trade,i do have experience in trading and i understand that what she saying is impossible to win all trades,