2021年9月20日 09:40 发表于

如果我不能支付 30%,他们将每天从我的 MT5 账户中扣除 5%。我已经支付了 33,340.69 美元,余额 5,400 美元尚未支付,我也无法从 MT5 取回我的钱来偿还我的贷款。我的 MT5 账户中有 162k 美元的余额。我现在想提款,他们让我结清那 30% 的存款,然后才存入币安账户。我怎样才能收回我的钱?
This broker cheated me!
If I can't pay 30%, they will deduct 5% EVERDAY from my MT5 account. I have paid USD33,340.69, balance USD5,400 yet to pay. I have not enough money to pay into it. I can't even get back my money from MT5 to pay back my loan. They're still holding my money. I have balance of 162k USD in my MT5 account. I paid a lot. Now want to withdraw they asked me to settle that 30% deposit then only release my money to my Binance account. How can I claim back my money?