2021年9月19日 11:38 发表于

该平台看起来像一个庞氏传销,他们要么在等待新客户的钱来支付老客户的钱,要么即将破产。我信任LEGO,自 2019 年以来一直在交易,但2020 年我的提款请求依然没成功。
I trusted LEGO SINCE in 2019, But they broke that trust.
I am slowly
loosing hope. Looks like a ponzi pyramid scheme, where they are either waiting
for new client money to pay old client's money (OR) they are short of cash
altogether and delaying bankruptcy. I am slowly
loosing hope. Looks like a ponzi pyramid scheme, where they are either waiting
for new client money to pay old client's money (OR) they are short of cash
altogether and delaying bankruptcy. I trusted LEGO
SINCE in 2019. Not anymore. But not anymore since 2020, I have been waiting for
them to process my withdrawal request.