talal baig
2021年9月17日 12:49 发表于

2021 年 3 月, Daniel Baker 诱导我存入 250 美元,他告诉我会有一位财务顾问 Adam Whiteman为我提供交易建议并教我一些有关交易的知识,我在一天之内将 250 美元翻了一番,然后他建议我增加投资,可以帮助我增加投资。由于疫情我失去了工作,这似乎是一个很好的解决方案,但我不知道就这样成了受害者。
24Xforex are scammers
24xforex are scammers, the continuous calls started with Daniel Baker in March 2021, he lured me into depositing $250, he told me I would have a financial advisor Adam Whiteman who would advise me on the trades to take and teach me a couple of things about trading, I doubled the 250$ within a day, he then adviced me to invest more and he could help me increase my investment. As a result of the pandemic I had lost my job and this seem like a good solution not knowing I was a victim.