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    2021年9月16日 10:28 发表于 菲律宾

    一周损失400 美元

    我在Dylan经理的指令下交易,承诺我会得到奖金,但每次交易后我都亏损了,知道账户归零,他还要求我开多头头寸。我要求出金,但必须交30倍的存款即600 美元 x 30 次交易。请记住我这个教训,投资前先调查好平台背景。

    Got burnt of USD$400 in a week because of a moment of folly.
    Their scam works by asking you to deposit with promises of matching bonuses. After which, you are to blindly follow the broker's order to blindly trade (mine was a person named Dylan) and you will see losses after each string of trades to the point that the account is zero. They will also ask you to put up some long positions. I have emailed to them, they reply was you have zero dollars and to withdraw you must trade 30 times your deposit plus the matching bonuses! So USD600 x 30 times of trades before you can withdraw. Can it happen? Of course not! You need 87 trades for that to happen assuming USD$50 per trade. My disaster is your lesson learnt. Please spread the word around so that no one else will get conned again. My folly not to do a background check first. And surprising Facebook has their advertisement and Visa and MasterCard cannot do anything about these illegal transactions.


