2021年9月15日 11:12 发表于

MCM is a 100% Scam!
100% Scam. As long as you are losing money, everything will
seem fine, almost too good to be true. As soon as you make any kind of decent
profit or even recoup a substantial amount of your previous losses, they will
make excuses and simply remove your profits. They'll cite clauses in the agreement that say they can do
this when there are "technical errors". These "technical
errors" will only come into play when you make a profit, then the profits
will be taken away, if you lose money due to these errors they will never give
back those losses. There's nothing you can do to prevent these "technical
errors" from affecting you since you don't even know they are present
until after your profits have been taken away. Basically it's like going to a casino where you make a bet
on roulette, and if any number you didn't choose comes up, you lose, and when
the number you chose comes up, the casino says there were "technical
errors" and gives you your original bet back, but takes away the profits.