Andy loh
2021年9月15日 14:36 发表于

我被一个叫丽莎的中国女孩介绍通过经纪人投资黄金CBMHLTD 在 MT4 平台上,她常驻巴黎,说想帮我赚更多的钱。一阵怀疑之后,我终于一点一点地把所有的积蓄都投入了进去,想着随时可以提现。当我想提款时他们要求我纳税,相当于我投资资金的 14%。 2021 年 7 月 26 日我在她的帮助下付款,但当我试图将钱提取到我的银行账户时被拒绝了,因为他们怀疑我在洗钱。
Pay tax for withdraw is a scam!
I was introduced to the scam by a Chinese girl named Lisa to invest in gold through the broker CBMH LTD on the MT4 platform.She is based in Paris and wanted to help me earn more money. After a while and some suspicion, I finally injected little by little all my savings, thinking that I could withdraw whenever I want. when i want to withdraw they asked me to pay taxes when I first tried to withdraw, corresponding to 14% of my invested money. They told me I could then withdraw without limit. I paid it with the help of the Chinese girl the 26th of July 2021, but when I tried to withdraw my money to my bank account, they refused it because they suspected that I am doing money laundering.