2021年9月13日 04:17 发表于

没有回复我的邮件 没有网站可以访问!
我参加了由一位交易商代理商主持的课程,还有很多人也参加了课程,所以我知道我不是唯一受到影响的人。正如您在下面的图片中所看到的,当我联系他们的客户服务时,我没有收到他们的任何回复。他们的网站无法访问,他们的 MT4 服务器也根本无法登录。帮帮我
Did not reply my email and website can be access!
I attended a class conducted by one of the Broker's agent, there was a bunch of people who attended the class as well so i know i'm not the only one affected. As you can refer in the pics below, when i contacted their customer service, i did not receive any reply from them. Their website can not be accessed and also their MT4 server cannot be logged in at all. Help me