2021年9月12日 21:49 发表于

我的帐户中有 1796.92 美元,我要求全额出金,通过在线聊天,他们告诉我需要 3 到 5 个工作日才能拿到钱。 9 月 9 日星期四早上,没有迹象表明我的钱被转移了,我账户上的账户余额仍然是 1796.92 美元。当天下午我打开平台,我注意到我的账户中只剩下 2.67 美元,所有余额都没有了,出金请求是在前一天晚上提出的。
Scammed me.
With $1796.92 in my account I asked for full withdraw and through on-line chat hey told me it take 3 to 5 business day to get the money. On Thursday morning September 9th there was no sign of my money being transferred and account balance on my account was still $1796.92. The same day in the afternoon I opened the platform an I noticed that there is only $2.67 left in my account ad whole balance was gone, the withdrawal request was made a night before.