2021年9月11日 11:36 发表于

我被外汇交易商 P. Suryakant骗了
2019 年,我信任了 P. Suryakant,现在不会再信了。 2020 年 8 月中旬以来,我一直在等待他们处理我的出金请求。他们给我发了一封电子邮件,说我是一个滥用职权的交易者。什么!!!出金看起来不太有希望。我的帐户没有接受任何奖金。提款金额大约为 1000 美元到我的信用卡,与我存入金额的方式相同。在这一点上,我想我只能等待 10 个工作日。( 我正在慢慢失去希望。他们看起来像庞氏传销,他们要么等待新客户的钱支付老客户的钱(或)他们是完全缺乏现金并推迟破产。)
I got scammed by the fx broker name P. Suryakant
I trusted P.
Suryakant in 2019. Not anymore. Since Mid Aug, 2020, I have been waiting for
them to process my withdrawal request. They send me an
email, saying I am an abusive trader. WHAT!!! The above
doesn't look very promising. I haven't accepted any bonuses for my account. The withdrawal
amount is roughly 1000$ to my credit card, the same way I have deposited the
sum. At this point,
I can only wait for 10 business days, i suppose :-( I am slowly
loosing hope. Looks like a ponzi pyramid scheme, where they are either waiting
for new client money to pay old client's money (OR) they are short of cash
altogether and delaying bankruptcy.