2021年9月11日 12:11 发表于

我的第一笔入金是 3000 美元,这是一个不错的开始。我从入金中获得了丰厚的利润。他们的建议让我深受鼓舞,为了能够获得高利润,我将入金翻倍,这样就可以在 3 个月的交易中获得 100,000 美元。但是他们开始变粗鲁,有时不回复我的电子邮件。所以我决定取出所有的钱,包括我的利润。但是我发送的请求被拒绝了。我给他们发了一封电子邮件,他们给我回电并提出为我取钱,但我必须先支付 10%,然后再支付全部利润的 10%。我没有给他们任何东西。现在他们直接无视了我。
I spent a lot of Money to FX Broker name ALPHA TRADEX.
My first deposit was $3000 for a good start. I made a good
profit of the deposited money. And I was encouraged by their advice that to be
able to have a high profit income I will double my deposit so that I could have
$100,000 in 3 months of trading. They are starting to be rude. Sometimes they
will not answer my emails. That’s why I decided to withdraw all the money
including my profit. But the request that I sent was rejected. I sent them an
email and they called me back and offered to retrieve the money for me but I
have to pay 10% up front and then 10% after, of the full amount of profit that
I have. I haven’t paid them anything. And now there are ignoring me.