2021年9月9日 10:05 发表于

我被骗了12,000 美元,该公司使用 Telegram 和 Whats 应用程序运行,并且没有注册地址,他们提供免费交易信息,似乎比世界上任何其他贸易公司利润更搞。但后来他们就不回复了,在聊天中一直使用 SIR,会从您那里收取预付利润分成费用,在您的账户中进行随机交易,有些交易没有止损。他们的系统看起来很安全,但他们是骗子。
I lost my to this scamer!
I Saw this As The Most Profitable way to make money Online ,But Later I Found Out That I Was Scammed And I Lost $12,000+.
The Company Runs On Telegram And Whats App And Does Not Have A Registered Address They Provide Free Signals Which Seem to be more Profitable Than Any Other Trading Firm In The World.These Guys Talk To You Like You Are god To Them Before You Pay Their Fees But Later They Just Ignore You. They Use
SIR All The Time in their Chats. They’ll Take Advance Profit sharing fees from you and then they’ll place random trades in your account some trades are without stop losses Beware Their Systems Look Real But They Are Scammers.