Khitish Dash
2021年9月8日 03:38 发表于

开户时,我使用信用卡取款几乎用了 2 秒钟,他们要我提供 1- 身份证照片 2- 信用卡购物车照片 3- 账单或税务照片, 这需要时间来处理和验证时间以及接受时间和退款时间,直到现在出金都没有成功!我在他们的网站上还有 400 美元,如果我不交易,他们每天都会收费。
can't withdraw
open an account the deposit took almost 2 seconds using credit cardwhen I tried to withdrawthey asked me for1- national ID card photos2- credit cart photos3- bill or tax photoswhich takes time to be processedand time to be verifiedand time to be acceptedand time to be refunduntil now i could not withdraw !! 400$ in their website and they take charges for each day if I am not trading Share Helpful 1 trader has found this review helpful