2021年9月7日 08:49 发表于

曝光骗子Charles Eduardo
binary24options的一个经理,手机号15189959190,是个骗子,骗了我的朋友先生大约 800 美元,诱导他入金后告知他要付款。
scammer charles
Beware of Charles Eduardo an 'account manager' who uses +15189959190 and his company binary24options they are a scam. This Eduardo with his company scammed my friend Mr Michael about $800. At first the Eduardo was using a company called 24options which also scammed Michael about $1000 then Charles promised to help him recover his loses with a new company called binary24options and he convinced him to invest $500. After days of trading Mr Michael was told to pay. $1300 as tax which he did not hav