2021年9月3日 08:14 发表于

RoFx.net 欺诈
他们和 Ester 合作。我在 mt4 账户中存入了 14000 美元。很快,当我意识到他们的骗局时,我已经发了提款请求。第二天,他们制造了大约 500 笔虚假交易,批量很大,并拉黑了我的账户。当然,这些交易不是真实的。他们抢了我的血汗钱。我投诉他们但是他们拒绝承担责任,把这归咎于我的交易活动。
stole my money.
Rofx.net is a scam. They are cooperating with Ester broker.I deposited $ 14000 in mt4 account. soon, as I realized their scam, I have entered a withdrawal request for all of my money. The day after, they have produced around 500 fake trades, with big lot size, and wiped-out my account. Of course, these trades were not real. They have produced them in order to steal my hard-earned money. I complained to them but they do not admit their guilt and blame my trading activities instead.