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    2021年9月2日 09:43 发表于 马来西亚


    我开设了一个账户并入金 3,000 美元,手动执行我的交易。在不到半个月的时间里,我的利润翻了一番,余额增长到 7,000 美元。半个月后,当我登录我的帐户时,发现它已被暂停,而平台没有任何通知。客服说我的账户需要审核。我按要求提供了护照、银行账户、地址和个人照片,以找回账户。但我被平台警告“投资者必须赔偿平台因使用EA而造成的服务器损坏”,然后他们直接清空了我的账户余额并暂停了账户。我明明是手动下单,所以所谓的使用EA是不存在的。经纪人不加解释地扣我的利润,暂停我的账户,这显然是黑平台。其他常见的伎俩包括因各种原因延迟出金、交易中的恶意建议、严重滑点等。

    This broker is a scam, took all my profits.
    I opened an account and deposited $3,000 with the broker. I began to execute my trade manually. In less than half a month, i managed to doubled my profit. My account grew up to $7,000. Half a month after, when i logged in into my account, i find it had been suspended without any notification from the broker or platform. The customer service said that my account needed to be reviewed. I provided my passport, bank account, address and personal photo as required in order to retrieve my account. But I was warned by the platform that "the investor must compensate the platform for the damage to the server caused by the use of EA"! The broker straight emptied my account balance and suspended my account.   Since I obviously placed orders manually, the so-called use of EA is not true. The Brokers deducted my profits and suspended my account without any explanation, which is clearly the practice of an illegal platform. Other common tricks include delayed withdrawals for various reasons, malicious advice in trading, severe slippage, and so on.


