2021年9月2日 23:12 发表于

我一个月赚了 3300 美元,但后来下降到 1300 美元,我要求提款 1300 美元,但他们只批准 200 美元,花了两个月的时间才把钱退给我,用各种借口拒绝提款。
withdrawal failure.
I got to generate 3300 dollars of profit in a month, but then these went down to 1300 dollars, that's when I decided to withdraw my money.I requested the total withdrawal of the 1300, but they only approved the withdrawal for 200 dollars, which was what I later invested. It took two long months for the money to be returned to me, however they do not want to return the other 1100 dollars that I earned doing trading, giving various excuses for rejection of withdrawals.