ETHBTC Investment Limited骗了我 7,000 美元
由于交易经验为零,我没有意识到会被骗。该 Whatsapp 账户的显示图片上有 MetaTrader 5 标志,并自我介绍为“客户服务”。在接下来的几天里,我注册了一家自称ETHBTC Investment Limited 的账户,并通过借记卡从我的银行账户中汇出超过 7000 美元的资金。
EthBtc Investment Limited I lost over $7,000
Due to having 0 experience in trading, I did not realize that the next phase of the plan is where I would have my money stolen.
She put me through to a "broker" whose Whatsapp account had the MetaTrader 5 logo on its display picture and introduced themselves as "Customer Service".
Over the course of the following days, I "registered" with a brokerage that calls itself "EthBtc Investment Limited" and sent over $7000 of funds from my bank account via Debit Card.