2021年8月27日 11:44 发表于

今年 1 月,我加入Royal,在 Facebook 上发现他们时,开始与他们进行交易,然后将钱存入账户,并看到了利润,他们告诉我,如果投入资金,我将获得更多利润,直到我提出索赔后他们告诉我要交更多的钱来出金。索赔目前正在审理中,我被骗了,能不能让我能拿回我的钱。
Sash was Scammer by Royal
I join Royal traders this year January when I found them on Facebook then I started trading with them I deposit money on their account wich turns then they trade and we see profit they told me if I put money I'll get more profit I did so until I claim then they told me to put more money to release my money. My claims are in pending till now.
So I was scammed can you please make means so that I can get my money back.