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    2021年8月26日 02:35 发表于 马来西亚


    我的头寸突然被清算了。我设置了止损和止盈,但并没有用。我在 MT5 时间 13:40:01 以 66.92 美元的价格开立了 USO/USD卖出头寸。之后,在短短几分钟内,价格在13:44 飙升至 69.67 美元,然后是M1 图所示 (13:45) O:69.67,H:69.79,L:68.11,C:68.16。然后它以 69.69 的价格让我的账户爆仓,完全停止了交易,我已经与同一个经纪人和其他经纪人开设了一个模拟账户来检查原油价格。但在那段时间里,只有我的经纪商图表价格达到了 69.69 美元,其他经纪商最高价$68.97,同一天,我要求提款4000美元。但是客服说这是第一次提款,需要24小时来评估我的申请。自 2021 年 5 月 14 日以来,我的交易进行得很顺利。这绝对不是巧合。

    My position got manipulated!
    My position was liquidated out of nowhere. I set my stop loss and take profit, but still got wiped out. I opened a Sell Position for USOUSD (Crude Oil) at the price of $66.92, MT5 time 13:40:01. After that, in just a few minutes, the price spiked up to $69.67 at time 13:44, then followed by a new M1 candle (13:45) O: 69.67, H : 69.79, L :68.11, C : 68.16. Then it burst my account at price 69.69 ! Completely Stopped Out my Trading Account! I've opened a Demo Account with the same Broker and also other Brokers to check Crude Oil Price. But during that time, only my Broker's Chart price reached $69.69! Other Brokers, the highest price was $68.97! On the same day, I had requested to make a withdrawal of $4000. But the Customer Service said since it's my first time of making a withdrawal, they gonna need 24 hours to assess my withdrawal request. Since 14/5/2021, My trading was going smoothly. It's definitely not a coincidence that this happened.


