2021年8月26日 23:43 发表于

昨天,我的妻子让我转一些钱给某人。当我问她交易的目的时,她开始沉默,说这是商业交易,稍后会告诉我细节。到晚上 8:00 左右,我妻子伤心地说:“亲爱的,我坦白,我被骗了。”骗子的名字是OGIES MARVIS OSAIGBOVO并使用Joy夫人的别名邦耀,在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上投资。
I have been scammed by binomo agent
Yesterday, my wife asked me to transfer some money to someone. When I asked her for the purpose of the transaction she was silent at first, then later she said it was a business transaction and will give me the details later. Fast forward to about 8:00p.m, my wife was sad and said “honey let me open up to you, I have been scammed”.
The scammer’s name is OGIES MARVIS OSAIGBOVO and uses the alias of Mrs Joy Binomo Invesment on Facebook and Twitter.