2021年8月20日 11:11 发表于

Etoro致亏损 7500 美元
我在该平台交易两年,才意识到我的账户被完全封锁,但我没有得到任何通知。我无法开新订单,出金被自动拒绝。我试图联系公司,但他们从未回复我。我觉得他们服务器或许被黑了,我余额里的 7494.89 美元悄然消失。
Etoro is a scam, they stole 7500 USD from me
After using etoro trading platform for two years, I realized by myself that my account was completely blocked, strange situation since I had not been given any notice. I couldnt open new positions, withdrawals were automatically rejected. Panic! I tried to get in touch with the company but it was in vain, I was ignored every time. At some point I thought their servers had been hacked. I discovered 7494.89 USD had been silently wiped out from my balance. I got really worried.