Khitish Dash
2021年8月13日 05:55 发表于

我的帐号是 18421316.0, 我觉得OCTAfx 是一家假公司,因为当我两周前交易时,订单消失了。为此,我决定存入 1500 卢比,但它没有进入我的OCTA外汇交易账户。等了一段时间什么也没发生,所以我再次存入了 1500 卢比,因为我不想失去我的资金。
unable to withdraw and scam broker
My account number is 18421316.0I think octa fx is a fake company because when I was trading two weeks ago on octa fx, I was going to lose my trade. For that, I decided to deposite Rs 1500, but it did not come into my octa fx trading account except it is from my bank account. Waited for sometime nothing happened so I again I deposited Rs 1500 because I don't want to loose my money, there is no chance for loss if I have more dollors in my account but same thing happened again, that amount also did