2021年8月11日 09:05 发表于

2021年7月21日,我想从WARLOCK MARKET出金,但是他们让我在 3 天内支付 20% 的税,但从网站上看,它没有提到出金费。此外,该WARLOCK MARKET给我发了一封电子邮件,显示我的钱已成功提出。但是,他们没有将钱存入我的帐户。另外我又收到一封邮件说删除了我的 CMR 帐户,他们无权这样做。这绝对是一个骗局。
Unable to withdraw
On 21/7/2021 , I try to withdraw all the money from the Warlock Market, however they need me to paid 20% tax within 3 days, but from the website, it mention no withdrawal fee. Also, the Warlock Market send me an e-mail showing that my money has been withdrawal successfully. However, they didn’t deposit the money on my account. Besides, they send me an e-mail which they deleted my CMR account , they have no right to do that. This is most definitely a scam.