Mayaz Ahmad
2021年7月29日 07:55 发表于

该交易商的一位官员告诉一位客户,投资 200 美元就可以获得 2000 美元的回报。在客户投资 200 美元后,他被要求再投资 500 美元用于信息费,这在他入金之前从未被告知。客户认为这是个骗局,要求该官员退还200美元无果。远离这家交易商。
big scam.
A client had been told by an official of this broker that if he invested $200, then he would get $2000 in return. After the client invested $200, he had been asked to further invest $500 for signal fees, which was never told before he invested. The client recognised this scam behaviour of the official and demanded the official to return the $200 but in vain. Stay away from this broker.