2021年7月9日 07:31 发表于

亲爱的 Akac Kong 先生,我想让您知道,我是一个投资于您的 MAM 的盲人。我真的很伤心,因为我几乎失去了所有的积蓄。我不知道在接下来的几个月和几年里我将如何生存。我呼吁你 Akac 先生把你从我这里拿走的所有钱都还给我。如果你从视力正常的人那里偷东西,那也不算太坏。但是从一个盲人那里偷东西在上帝眼中是一种大罪。
Please Return Money
Dear Mr Akac Kong, I like to let you know that I'm a blind person who invested in your MAM. I'm really heart broken because I have lost almost all of my savings. I don't know how am I going to survive in the months and years to come. I appeal to you Mr Akac to kindly return to me all the money that you have taken away from me. It's not so bad if you steal from someone who can see. But to steal from someone who is a blind is a great sin in the eyes of God.