2021年7月3日 13:44 发表于

由于“交易量不足”而无法提款 他们要求您支付这个和那个,并且永远不要从平台上释放您的资产。
Unable to withdraw due to “insufficient volume trading”They ask you to pay this and that and never release your asset from platform.
HongKong Scammers. Be aware because they made me pay trading volume twice, security deposit, risk deposit, and want more until I gave up as I became indebted. They never released your asset from platform. It’s rarlon.xyz and I am not sure if this is the actual rarlon. I don’t want anyone not to be a victim of this. They made promises once you made payment to let you extract money but then they will not reply for so long until the next day and ask for more payment.
Bunch of scammers.