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    2021年7月2日 07:26 发表于 澳大利亚

    尝试提款,但被要求存入 20%

    与 FXWNBwjy8858 Trader 2021 年 5 月 5 日下午 3:36 在墨西哥发布的体验非常相似。我在 Tinder 上和这个约会应用程序上的人聊天,然后他把这个想法卖给了我,他还用自己的资金为我的 MT4 账户充值了两次,我很惊讶这是在未经主账户所有者同意的情况下被允许的。现在我不得不质疑我的这种情况,因为这个人拒绝通过电话说话,声称他的英语不好,我还要求进行视频通话,他说他刚洗完澡,看起来很糟糕。我一直试图从这家公司获得条款和条件,但他们的客户服务回应是没有公司条款和条件。我的意思是如何才能给另一个陌生人的账户充值,还有 8000 美元。我将对此进行进一步调查,并将其提交给警方以供他们记录,并采取下一步措施来揭露此骗局并取回我的钱。来自类似受害者的任何建议将不胜感激。

    Tried withdrawing but was asked to deposit 20%
    Very similar experience to FXWNBwjy8858 TraderMay 5, 2021 3:36 PM Released in Mexico. I chatted with this guy on Tinder a dating app and he then sold the idea to me and he also recharged my MT4 account twice with his ownfunds and I am surprised that this was allowed without the main account owner’s consent. Now I am left to question this situation I am because this guy refuses to speak over the phone claiming that he’s English is no good and I also asked to video call and he said he just got out of the shower and looked bad. I have been trying to get hold of the terms and conditions from this company but their customer service response was that there is no company terms and conditions. I mean how can one just recharge another stranger’s account and what more $8k USD. I will be investigating this further and will take this to the police for their records and for next steps to expose this scam and to get my money back. Any advice from similar victims would be much appreciated.


