2021年5月11日 13:08 发表于

她从Facebook找我,向我介绍了luno交易,我已经投资了R1000,等待口头反映并同意我的帐户,但令我惊讶的是,我被要求支付R4200的转账提款费用,并被告知有关w付款成本费用我做了一笔R2500的手续费,然后又被要求支付R6550,因为DT Direct Texes这样做了,现在还被告知要支付R3 500的清算费用,以便将我的钱存入我的银行帐号...请帮助
Looking for help
She approached me from Facebook introducing me to luno trading I have invested a R1000 waited for it to reflect on my account as spoken and agreed but to my surprise I was asked to pay cost of transfer withdrawal money R4200 did that and I was told about w
Payment cost charge fee an amount of R2500 I did that and again was asked to pay R6550 as D.T Direct Texes did that also now am told about clearance fee of R3 500 for my money to be released on to my bank account number... Please help