2021年4月24日 11:35 发表于

Super Forex提款诈骗
我用我的真实货币存款而没有奖金,我进行外汇交易,我获得了丰厚的利润,然后我提取了我所有的钱。但是经纪人从我的存款中提取了我所有的利润和40%的利润。我当时尝试发短信,但没有结果。他们告诉我,按照条例5.16的规定,我的交易不合法,老实说Super Forex我见过一个大骗子
Superforex withdrawal scam
i deposit with my real money without bonus , and i trade forex and I get good profits then I went to withdrawal all my money . but the broker take all my profit and 40% from my deposit money. I tried to texting then with no results . they told me that my trade are not legal according to regulation 5.16 ,Honestly Superforexa is a big scammer i have seen