Brad Adams
2021年4月16日 06:18 发表于

尝试提款,并被告知如果我的交易账户没有超过$ 50,000US,我必须支付利得税!!!他们是这样告诉我的:-“您好,先生,我检查了您的提款金额为39000美元,您的提款资金,我检查了您的资金没有达到我们交易所的免税标准,并且免税我们的兑换标准是50,000美元。然后,他们希望从提款帐户中提取提款金额的5%的验证资金。
EastCentury Group
Try to withdraw and was told if I didn’t have my trading account above $50,000US I had to pay Profit tax!!!
This is what they told me:-
“Hello, sir, I have checked that your withdrawal amount is 39000 USD, and your withdrawal funds, I have checked that your funds have not reached the tax exemption standard of our exchange, and the tax exemption standard of our exchange is 50,000 USD.
Then they wanted verification funds of 5% of the withdraw from the account the withdraw is to be deposited into.