2021年4月11日 01:59 发表于

无法退出TGX MARKETS低成本航空公司
我为自己的方式感到难过TGX MARKETSLCC处理了我的投资,他们连续第五次拒绝了我的提款。我已经联系了他们的支持,但无济于事。这一切始于2月,当时进行了两项投资,其中一项是在Cryptoassetsbay.tech上进行的,与我在TGX Market上的投资相比,该投资获得了适当的回报,在TGX Market上,我什至无法从系统中提取资金。我希望其他人可以揭露虚假的投资平台,并推广良好的平台。我了解他们可能会使用不同的策略,但没有人值得失去辛苦赚来的钱。
Unable to withdraw from TGX Markets LCC
I'm sad with the way TGX Markets LCC handled my investment, they denied my withdrawal the 5th time in a row. I have contacted their support but to no avail. It all started in February when made two investments, one at Cryptoassetsbay.tech which yielded the appropriate returns unlike my investment at TGX Market where I cannot even get my capital off the system. I hope others can expose fake investment platform and promote the good ones. I understand that they might use different strategies but no one deserves to lose their hard earned money.