2021年4月10日 23:27 发表于

请注意这些骗子,不要上当,我在这家公司投资了超过57000美元,我赚了150000多美元,然后他们开始让我损失一些交易,这使我的损失等于5万,然后我决定提取我的10万。我一直要求提取,但他们一直拒绝我的要求,并一直要求我再存入10万以进行提取。我拒绝再次存款,他们冻结了我的帐户,并清除了我钱包中的所有钱。他们封锁了设备的IP,所以我无法联系到他们,我可以在使用VPN隐藏我的IP地址后访问他们的网站,但他们仍然延迟响应,并再次要求我存入更多资金。该公司在英国由四名中国人经营假装他们是香港商人。该网站是伪造的,因为他们隐藏了自己的IP地址,并使用了Google IP地址和其他一些随机的伪造VPN地址。他们正在使用社交媒体帐户来骗人。我也添加了他们的照片,以便你们注意。请注意这些骗子,不要上当,直接向警察报告
Please be aware of this Scammers in UK and across the world, Don't be fooled
Please be aware of these scammers and don't be fooled, I have invested more than 57000 dollars in this company, and I made more than 150000, Then they started to make me lose some trades which made my loss equal to 50k, then I decided to withdraw my 100k.I have requested a withdrawal but they kept rejecting my request and kept asking me to deposit another 100k in order to withdraw.I refused to deposit again, and they freeze my account and cleared all the money in my wallet. They have blocked devices IP so I can not reach out to them, I could access their website after hiding my IP address using a VPN but still they kept delaying responding and again asked me to deposit more moneyThe company runs in the UK by four Chinese guys pretending they are businessmen from Hong Kong. The website is fake as they hiding their IP address and using google IP address and some other random fake VPN addresses.They are using social media account to scam people. I have added their pictures too for you guys to be aware.Please be aware of these scammers and dont be fooled,