2021年3月25日 14:28 发表于

无法出金超过2个月。 凯石集团表示我没有出金资格,因为我在交易时违反了规定,并且我需要支付115,242美元的安全基金。他承诺我可以在付款后出金,但这是我向Financialrecovery.tech提交的报告最终使我获得了退款。 凯石集团谎称我可以出金,因为在支付了安全基金后,他要求我也支付清仓费,那时我才意识到我一直在被骗。
Unable to withdraw for over 2 months
Unable to withdraw for over 2 months. Kai Shi said i wasn't eligible for withdrawal because i violated regulations while trading and that i needed to Pay a security fund of $115,242. He promised that I could withdraw funds after paying it but it was my report to financialrecovery.tech that eventually got me a refund. Kai Shi lied about my being able to withdraw because after paying the security fund, he asked that i paid a clearance fee too, that was when i realized i was being deceived the whole time.