2021年3月24日 07:34 发表于

无法从我的Uee International LimitedMt4帐户中提取资金直接到我的私人银行帐户。
起初,我试图在投资后提款。但是代理人或交易商说,提款2-3次后,我们有提款限额。现在该交易商没有接听我的电话或在WhatsApp上接听电话,我甚至要求书面确认或一套规则,其中规定了取款限额,但没有答案。提款钱被转移到这Uee International Limited而不是转到我的银行帐户。 (这是我可以联系经纪人的时候)经纪人说,我需要将我的帐户升级为VIP才能无限制提款,我必须为此投资$ 50000。我明显拒绝了。(投资前没有告诉我)我在这里附加经纪人号码+ 85267612451 + 85254426353这些现在无法到达。我有大约$ 15000美元,我在其中投资了约$ 7000美元。如果我有,请联系我(WhatsApp +919096187367)任何人都可以帮助我从该帐户中取回我的钱。我知道这是一个骗局。但是仍然有人可以帮助我利用他或她的技能来赚钱,这是非常值得赞赏的。该网站是ueeforex.net和CRM:user.ueeforecx.net请帮助我解决这个问题,以便我可以取回我的钱。我也想关闭MT4帐户Uee International Limited期待您的帮助解决我的问题。在此先感谢您。
Unable to withdraw money from my Mt4 account with UEE International Limited directly to my private bank account.
At first I tried to withdraw money after investing. But after 2-3 times of withdrawal the agent or the broker says we have a limit for withdrawal. Now the broker does not take my calls or answer on WhatsApp.I even asked for a written confirmation or a set of rules where its written that there is a limit for withdrawal but the broker does not have an answer to it.If I try to withdraw the money the money is transferred to this UEE international limited instead of transferring to my bank account. (This was when I could contact the broker) The broker says I need to upgrade my account to VIP for unlimited withdrawals for which I will have to invest $50000.The website is ueeforex.net and CRM: user.ueeforecx.netPlease help me resolve this so that I can get my money back.And after that I would also like to close the MT4 account with UEE international Limited.Looking forward for your help to resolve my problem.Thanks in advance.