2021年3月18日 13:15 发表于

最初的交易进行得很顺利,然后我想从我的帐户中提款,通常提款要在30分钟到1个小时内完成,但是这次已经过去了两个星期,没有任何处理,顺便说一句,我试图与客户支持联系一切都无济于事。 X Spot Markets上的所有参数都是伪造的。您将被骗,更多的钱将丢失。请保持警惕。
Can't withdraw
The initial transactions went smoothly, Then i wanted to withdraw money on my account, Usually withdrawals are processed within 30 minutes to 1 hour, but this time two weeks passed and nothing was process, By the way, i tried to contact customer support to handle everything but to no avail as my withdrawal request was not to be processed until i pay an international remittance certification fee, so a complaint was made to financialrecovery.tech and their activities helped me through to a refund. All the parameters on X Spot Markets are fake. You will be cheated and more money will be lost. Please stay alert.